Saturday, May 12, 2007

Gore's Fear Mongers On the March

Al Gore’s at it again. In case you haven’t heard, he’s creating an army of fear mongering global warming propagandists. According to (, the first 50 are already doing damage as I type.

If you are like me, you like to be cool in summer, warm in winter, and have a hot shower more than twice a month. We must counter the propaganda before they scare the average person into voting for government controls on our energy daily lives. Let us set our own thermostats. Don’t make us drive eco-wacky selected vehicles; we like our BMWs and pickup.

Now is the time to act. When one of the fear mongers appears near you, attend. Ask questions. Write local papers pointing out the presentation was one sided and presented false information.

Stop back here often for updates to the problems with MDI (Man Did It) science.

Here are three things you can start with:

CO2 increases follow temperature increases by hundreds of years. That is bas ackwards to the MDI claims.

Climate models are not worth believing in. No less an authority than the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences ay MIT says so. Even if I were an MDI apostle I do believe I’d have to pay some attention to him.

The MDI crowd often uses charts and graphs customized to exaggerate their claims. This site uses three different graphs covering the same 120 years to make the point.

Just for grins, an article on temperature oscillations on a 1500 year cycle and the LIA (Little Ice Age)/MWP (Medieval Warm Period) temperatures:

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