Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Word Abuse

In which we abuse words on a whim. Got a good one? You know the address.


Gibbous Moon More than plumbers butt, not enough to get you arrested in most jurisdictions.


Flocculation An entire chicken herd orgy.


Hydrophilic Inflatable sexual device using water to achieve the most pleasing temperature and firmness.


Paranormal A straight couple; two “normals.”


Rosie Broken dyke. "The Little Dutch Boy saved Holland when he stuck his finger in the rosie."


Treadmill Modern milling device used to grind down hip joints.


Parthenogenesis Greek cover band playing only one venue.


(Yankeespeak) Unexpected find on that Easter morning the bunny had such a bad cold.


Waitri Collective noun for waitress/waitpersons. Compare to murder of crows, gam of whales.


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