Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Apology

The Obama recently accused, after admitting he did not know the facts, the Cambridge police of acting stupidly.

He then offered a public “apology.”

Those of us who are familiar with children know that was no apology. It was a string of excuses and an attempt to pass the blame for his own stupid comments. “But Mom, Tommy wouldn’t give me his truck.”

As I write this, some of the true believers are expecting borat obummer to offer a new version of his apology, one that may contain real apology words like “mistake,” “sorry,” or even “I was wrong.” I suspect, based on past experience with the Racist Rev Wright, that this new apology will be forthcoming in a few days. However, as with the children in our lives, this will be no more a real apology than when little Billy apologized to Tommy only after being threatened with missing dinner. Just as obummer only tossed Wright under the bus after realizing he could lose votes.

What have we learned from this?

Well, if Sgt. James Crowley were black and Henry Louis Gates white, anyone jumping to the conclusion the officer was wrong would be labeled a racist.

Do we call obama a racist? I’ll leave that decision up to you but at the very least, we have to realize barry is not the post-racialist he pretends to be. Especially in light of the way he tried to tie the racism of the past to the events with no knowledge of the facts.

As an aside, is it just me or when obama talks, does it remind you of the way real mouths are stuffed into anime cartoon faces

Sunday, July 19, 2009

IE 8: Malware from Microsoft

I "upgraded" to IE 8 yesterday because several sites had messages they were about to stop supporting 6.


Tries to change your preferred search (to bing, of course)

Changes your homepage without asking.

Installs bing as a second homepage so both tabs open when you start IE.

Does not appear to have a way to delete temp files without deleting cookies too.

Hides the "Temporary Internet Files" folder in a way I haven't figured out how to undo - including making hidden and system files/folders visible and using the attrib command.

Has some new way for web pages to access your system.

Adds all the microcrap, radio, money, msn, etc to your "favorites" at the top of the list.

In short, another entry on the list of "Why my next computer will be a Mac."

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Czar Letter to Obama

Barry Sorento
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Barry,

It has come to my attention that you have now appointed thirty-some individuals who may reasonably be called czars.

Clearly, this many individuals need some sort of supervision to make sure they stay on message and do not make conflicting statements.

Equally clearly, you do not have time to do this personally as you jet around the world apologizing for America and taking your wife on dates. If you did, Joe “The Gaffer” Biden would not be such an embarrassment to your administration.

I have, therefore, taken the liberty of appointing myself the czar coordinator, the czar czar if you will.

I now request you make use of some of that $787 Billion in stimulus to stimulate this unemployed American by making this a paid position at a salary commensurate with the duties.

Oh, and don’t worry about my fitting in with your other appointees. I can file fraudulent amended tax returns since tax fraud seems to be a job requirement under your administration.


An American in Need of Real Stimulus.