Thursday, August 02, 2007

Who, Who Are You?

Just a thought. You'll find it odd.

What does "Be yourself" really mean?

Have you ever noticed you're a different person with your parents than someone from work. And a third person with your card/knitting/Sunday School group.

None of them are not yourself. It's just you, we all, have different reactions to different times and people. With our parents, we still have remnants of the child "yourself" in our reactions till the day they die.

Oh, sometimes the differences between “yourself” are subtle. You might not realize there even is a difference. You may take the word of someone you know and trust if they tell you Henry Ford did not invent the automobile assembly line. If I say that, you’ll question me about it. There may be people you wouldn’t believe if they brought ol’ Henry himself to testify. (BTW, Ransom E Olds, Oldsmobile, patented the automobile assembly line. Ford, some of his workers actually, improved it.)

Other times, the difference between yourself may be extreme. That yourself out for a night on the town may do or say things the work yourself wouldn’t even think of.

So what’s the point?

Be yourself. If somebody doesn’t like it, maybe they should be a different themself if they want a different yourself.

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