Monday, June 18, 2007

Another Nail In AlGore’s Foot

The inventor of the internet made Mt Kilimanjaro's disappearing glaciers a centerpiece of his movie.

Turns out the Inconvenient Truth is global warming by any cause has virtually nothing to do with Kilimanjaro's disappearing glaciers.

In the American Scientist, Jul-Aug, 2007 issue, Philip W. Mote, a University of Washington climate scientist, and Georg Kaser, a glaciologist at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, report what is happening.

It seems the glacier has been disappearing for a century, well before the 70s when GW was first noticeable. They report a lack of new snow, something that was already happening in 1880, combined with features of the glacial shape that prevent growth, are the primary causees of shrinkage.


They attribute the ice decline primarily to complex interacting factors, including the vertical shape of the ice's edge, which allows it to shrink but not expand. They also cite decreased snowfall, which reduces ice buildup and determines how much energy the ice absorbs -- because the whiteness of new snow reflects more sunlight, the lack of new snow allows the ice to absorb more of the sun's energy.

Not surprisingly, a local weather cycle of about 1,500 years seems to be involved.

Warning note: When arguing against MDI global warming, do not apply this information to temperate glaciers. They grow and shrink differently.

Don’t forget to check Problems with Man Did It Global Warming. for more information

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