Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just Do Something! Death By Enviro Do-Gooder

Many members of the MDI global warming crowd want to do something to save the world and they want it NOW!

Most all of us think reducing our pollutant output is good as long as it doesn’t go too far. Too far being reductions causing third worlders to continue suffering disease, malnutrition and the consequences of bad or insufficient water when technology could not only help those problems but lead to an overall reduction of pollution.

That’s not good enough for the ecowakies. They want to leap off the cliffs and do all sorts of things we could do but don’t know what the results will be. They have a history of going off half cocked with bad results. Somehow, they never seem to recognize past results of their poorly understood actions. With that in mind, it’s time to toss out a pair of examples.

Example 1
In today’s news we learned about 2 million tires tossed overboard in the name of reducing landfills by creating artificial reefs, places fish to live. http://www.local10.com/news/13454371/detail.html

Sounds like a good idea. Too bad they didn’t do the research first. Not only do fish prefer not to hang our around petroleum products, the tires didn’t stay together neatly. Now the tires are moving freely with storms and current, slipping into existing reefs they then damage or kill. If they’d not gotten their panties in a bunch, instead of a cost of millions to clean up, those tires could have made better road base or made fuel replacing new carbon based fuel.

Wonder how long it will take us to see the effects of Atlantis Memorial Reef, http://www.atlantismemorialreef.com/home.htm

Example 2
Rachel Carson and her book, Silent Spring, are personally responsible for tens of thousands of third world deaths. Malaria. For those not familiar with the story, it goes like this:

In 1962, Rachel Carson published Silent Spring indicting DDT as the cause of many environmental problems. Somewhere the information got lost that a) DDT was being massively overused; any problems DDT was causing were attributable to that abuse, not to DDT used properly, and b) DDT was, and still is, the only known effective weapon against the malaria mosquito.

Because of the book, it's claims, and the flood of wackies, Othmar Zeidler's DDT was effextively tossed world wide by bans on use and manufacture. Fortunately, some organizations have recently had their eyes opened.

Reason Magazine carried an excellent article on the subject called Silent Spring at 40 by Ronald Bailey http://www.reason.com/news/show/34823.html

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